The artwork of Dave Skott | the 'library'

2024 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 | 1999 | the list

When I was a kid, I was in awe of the great libraries of the world, and even the small-town libraries I had access to. As an adult I started collecting those editions that fit within my "world view." So my library and its collection is not necessarily for those who enjoy true "reading," but it's filled with visual and creative inspiration editions.

Pucci Dig It!
Building Bound to the Ground
Contemporary Japanese
Gio Ponti
Inventing Abstraction
You Are An Acceptable Level of Threat
Skyscrapers 2
Evolor Skyscrapers 3
Sagrada Familia
Gaudi's Unfinished Masterpiece
Stone Age
Ancient Castles of Europe
Jones Studio Houses
Sensual Modernism
Is It Ours?
Art, Copyright, and Public Interest
The Art Museum
In Modern Times
The Definitive Visual Guide
Macro Photography
Miner Road House
Faulkner Architects
Monument Database
Unfolding The Paper Art and
Science of Matthew Shlian
Man-Made Wonders
Of the World
New Architecture
Los Angeles
New Architecture
New York
Ad Hoc at Home
Family-Style Recipies
Otto Lenghi
Highlights from the Museum of Modern Art
Art =
Discovering Infinite Connections in Art
Form + Code
In Design, Art, and Architecture
Generative Art
Using Processing
Radical Architecture
of the Future
Kazuyuki Ohtsu
Hokusai's Landscapes Kuniyoshi
Visionary of the Floating World
Vitamin D3:
Today's Best in Contemporary Drawing
Reinventing Architecture
Rafael Pardo
New Brutalism
Sacred Spaces
Awe-Inspiring Churches and Cathedrals
Drawing Architecture Postmodern Architecture
Less is a Bore
Ultimate Collector Cars The Neri Oxman
Material Ecology Catalogue
Inksanity Inksanity II Inksanity the Third The Way Called Beautiful
Black Narcissus Visionaries: Anaon The Reincarnationist Papers Catch 42
A novel about our future
Walking Backwards
Up an Apostle's Nose